All It Took Was Six Days…

James Bell III
3 min readJan 7, 2021

It has not been a full week into the new year and the distinct, pungent odor of white supremacy has revealed it never truly dissipates.

My choice of words here are intentional. White privilege would only go to suggest that individuals possess an unseen, unconscious advantage. White privilege goes back to what now feels like frivolous things like flesh-colored bandages and learning about your race in school. All that feels so pointless while supremacy continues to linger.

As I listen to what has unraveled at the nation’s Capitol, I unashamedly thought to myself where is the tear gas? Where are the rubber bullets? Hell, where are the real bullets? And before someone says — why resort to violence if they are only practicing their right to free speech, remind yourself of the Black bodies murdered and brutalized for less or nothing at all.

What we are witnessing is another testament to making sure white people’s feelings are placated before addressing racism. Can you imagine the comfort these domestic terrorists (call them what they are) must possess to taunt the police, knowing there is no chance of getting arrested or having violence come there way? The police have spent more time talking to men who think it is okay to commit hate crimes and shoot people than they have for a man who was suspected to be selling single cigarettes.

Literally yesterday, I received a phone call from some mysterious Political Action Committee within the state who were committed to “our friends in blue” and wanted to ensure when false allegations against them were brought up, they could retain the shield. When asked if they could count on my contributions, I responded with a vehement no. Today’s spectacle of non-policing, in one of the world’s most militarized cities is a further testament to why defunding, dismantling and abolishing remains a talking point. And to be completely frank, one group at the capitol merely forgot their uniform, they are two parts of the same machine.

While there are thousands breaching D.C. tonight, I know there are millions of sympathizers at home. Standing back, and standing by. They are my classmates, my co-workers. I know this is true just from looking at the map from the election. The evidence is clear. Some choose to be blatant, to be boisterous about their commitments. And I have moments, where I think this is not my battle. These are white people problems. And then I see images of nooses, and the confederate flag. It is intimidation. It is subjugation.

Where does all of this leave us? Were does it leave me? I need to rest. Wednesday’s have historically been podcast recording days, yet I cancelled the session. The idea of talking about why Equity Matters left me feeling empty, knowing the chaos taking place. I encourage you to rest for your own health, and the health of the communities you serve.

I am choosing to be present. I can see it in my wife’s eyes right now, even as I sit pecking the keyboard, she is concerned for me, for our two Black boys. The speed at which she set the locked the door and set the alarm indicated exactly where her heart and mind is. As should mine.

And after I have done these things, I am going to continue my intentionality tour. I choose to be a threat to white-centeredness, white comfort, white feelings and white supremacy. I refuse to take up space wherever I am under the belief that fragile white men should be coddled or giving in to their desires or demands.

Oh, yeah. Happy New Year.



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